Monday 4 April 2011

Why a blog?

I have decided to create my own blog. For me, for all good people, for my thoughts, for my pictures, and hopefully for my learning curve as a photographer as well.

Why photos and photography? Well, to cut a long story short, just because even as a little kid I used to enjoy books about wild animals or pretty much any amazing photos in general and would be thinking how did it probably feel to be behind the viewfinder... I used to sit for hours on a sofa and browsing through the book pages and think about what photography actually is, capturing one single moment of a time, maybe touching your mind or possibly even telling a story.
I enjoyed high-res print outs very much for some reason I cannot really explain why. 

When I was a teenager I had the same passion for music (I still do). I found it extremely interesting seeing Slash standing with his Les Paul on stage and it looked like his thoughts, pains and joys were literally expressed by his fingers on the fretboard. At that point I was hooked. I wanted to understand the secret of music, the power which makes people dance, scream or smile for no apparent reason, to be able to write my own song, just to understand the pleasure of well composed song, melodies or rhytms. And even now – being almost 30 years old, knowing that I will never be even close to Slash, I still play although not publicly but for my own pleasure. 

So knowing that I am not the best photographer in the world I have decided to create my own blog to learn and better understand photography. For me, because it soothes my mind and I guess I want to somehow capture the beauty in the chaos of our lives. And if it brings a little joy to life of others or if somebody wants to join me on the way, even better.

That is what my blog is hopefully going to be about…


Northern Paris in BW, camera Olympus SP-500

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